Saturday, December 19, 2009

Sara turns "21"

Sara turned "21" on December 3rd and she wanted to go to Wendover to play the slot machines--- so that is what we did. Holly, Christopher, Sara and Trent and I drove out there and met some friends and family out there for dinner and some "big money slots"--of course, Christopher isnt quite old enough to gamble yet so while him and Holly went back to the room to go to bed, we headed to the nickel slots and had some fun.Before midnight, Sara had enough fun with the nickel slots and was ready to go to bed but all in all , it was a fun time and she only spent about 5 bucks so she was happy :)


Cindy said...

FUN! Mine is coming up and my parents are taking me there too! Exciting!

Holly said...

So much fun :)